What is Web Content?

There are, essentially, two types of Web content:

  • Text
  • Multimedia
  • Text as Web Content

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Text is easy, it’s the written content that’s on the page, both inside images and in text blocks. The best textual Web content is that text that has been written for the Web, rather than simply copy-and-pasted from a print source. Textual Web content will also have good internal links to help readers get more information and aid in scanning the text. Finally, Web text will be written for a global audience as even local pages can be read by anyone around the world.

Multimedia Web Content

The other type of Web content is multimedia. To put it simply, multimedia is any content that isn’t text, but this includes a lot of different things:

  • Animation
  • Images
  • Sound
  • Video

Animation can be created using GIF images or using Flash, Ajax, or other animation tools.

The best animations for websites are done in moderation. The exception to this rule would be if your website is to showcase a Web cartoon or animated movies.

Images are the most common way to add multimedia to websites. You can use photos or clip art or even drawings you’ve created yourself using a graphics editor or scanner.

Images on Web pages should be optimized, so that they download fast. They are a great way to add interest to your pages, and many designers use them to decorate every article they write.

Sound is embedded in a Web page so that readers hear it when they enter the site or when they click a link to turn it on. Keep in mind that sound on Web pages can be controversial, especially if you turn it on automatically and don’t provide a way to turn it off easily.

Video is getting more and more popular on Web pages. But it can be challenging to add a video so that it works reliably across different browsers.

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